Summer Sales Are Worth Stocking Up For

As much as it hurts me to admit it, summer is half over. Cue wailing ugly cry. Before we know it the chilly nights will creep in and the leaves will do that nasty drop off of their golden trees. Let’s keep it real though: we’ve still got plenty of time left to enjoy the sun.

If you are at a loss of how to seize it, take an audit of your summer wardrobe and be honest: is that white sundress looking a little rough? Has she, the dress, had too many nights out of the town and not enough laundry time? Sometimes they just look a little dank and are too far gone.

How about that tank top, fellas? Is the washed out look the suns fault or just too many wears? If you have the budget and you have some time, head out for Christmas (from yourself to yourself) shopping in July.

Here’s the inside scoop, if, and only if you want to, you buy summer clothing now, you won’t find cheaper prices. It’s the same with January winter stock sales. All you favourite stores are going absolutely gangbusters with the prices. They are rock bottom, fashion friends.

Also, times are pretty tough right now. It's a bit of a sh*tstorm and we've got a ways to go. I know it's not the best way to deal with it all, but sometimes a little escapist retail therapy is something.

Now just may be the ideal time to update a few pieces that you know you’ll want to wear now and again next year. I take advantage and buy my swimsuits, dresses, and fresh whites now. I feel good knowing that I’ll wear them a bit over the next little while, then visit them again next year. It’s kind of a sneak-a-peek style present. Good now, and most excellent later. If I’m lucky, this fall and winter I can drudge my new duds out for a hot vacation. If not, it’s not a big deal, they’ll still be there waiting for me come next May.

It’s not just summer stock that you can find on sale. Right now you’ll find sweet deals on cashmere for layering, the last of the winter coats from last season, or that pair of shoes you’ve been lusting over. If you’re going to get it, get it now.

While my relationship with shopping is ever evolving, I do not see it as a sin. I’ve become more savvy but that initial joy of fashion and how it can impact my personal style remains. Now I make a list, make a budget, and head to my favourite stores. If I pass on a dinner out or a night on a patio downtown, I can use that cheddar to buy me something delicious, like a lightweight sweatah (dress).

I like a little mall action, discount department store action, and I got to have a little second hand love in there too. Recently I have been making more of an effort to buy from local places too. They also have deals worth writing home about and you get that bonus feel good feels knowing that you supported the local economy and the actual families of those who work there. Have your cake and let others eat too.

My recent purchases include a sunglasses chain for all those lake days I have coming up. I also got a couple mis-matched swimsuit separates for the lake and the warm vacation in the works this fall. You never know when you’ll get invited to the mountains and find a hot tub calling your name. Why not feel fresh to death in as many situations as you can think of? I am still after a forest green slip dress for a wedding guest outfit this fall so that’s on the style radar as well.

If you’re staying home one of these rainy days, take a look at what you have and consider a purge and revival. Be sure, of course, to recycle the clothing via consignment, donation, swap with a friend, or even cutting them into household rags.

But be quick. Most of the final sales warp up after the Long Weekend and before you know it, wool and thick knits will take over.

Need some help shopping? Purging? Organizing? Childcare (Nope. Kidding. I draw the line there)? Call me.


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