It’s rarely just fashion. What about strategy? What about the meaning? What about the person wearing it? See, for me, there’s more to it.
Dig in with me one fabulous blog post at a time.
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Style Diet: Confronting My Distaste of Wearing Athletic Clothes When Not Being Athletic
It’s no secret that I’m not into leggings unless one is working out. It’s more than that. Really I’m not into workout wear as a whole when one isn’t working out. It simply does not make sartorial sense to me. That said, like the LuLuLemon bag has advised me before, I’m trying to, “Do one thing a day that scares me,” especially in the interest of personal style.
Style Diet: I Wore Only 8 Pieces Over 8 Days
Ever feel like you need to try something out just to be sure you personally don’t like it? I often do and a lot of the time that something is a style experiment something. Sometimes I wear a garment just to see if I can pull it off. Other times I wear something to rule it out. Other times I set goals to see what I can learn.