It’s rarely just fashion. What about strategy? What about the meaning? What about the person wearing it? See, for me, there’s more to it.
Dig in with me one fabulous blog post at a time.
latest posts…
Confessions of a Relapsed Light Packer
After many years – five to be precise – I have to share something that I’m not proud of. As a loud mouth, arrogant light packer, I’ve relapsed. Yes, this fall as I head on vacations, I’m packing heavier than I ever have before.
What I Wear At The Cabin
My vanity and the desire to live a well-dressed life can to take front seat most of the time. That falls by the wayside in a few occasions: when I’m at home; when I’m not feeling well; and when I’m at the cabin.
Destination Wedding Spending Splurge
This week I have the luxury of witnessing good friends get married in Mexico... As I prepared for the trip I found myself running to this store and that to pick up a few things. This was to supplement my existing arsenal of host destination travel gear and clothing. Apparently, I like to shop and support the Calgary economy it seems. It didn’t seem like much at the time but when I put it all out to pack the length of the tab started to sink in.